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Miami Living Magazine staff, editors, journalists, writers, contributors, contact info & more.

  • What Items do I Need Before Posting?
    Posting content in Miami Living is easy! Here is what you need: Headline (title of your posting) Image header (displayed on top of your posting) Credits (writer name, photographer, etc) Text (copy of your posting) Slideshow images (optional) Video (optional) Posting example
  • Content Submission Guidelines
    Here are some general rules about content submission: Content should be between 400-1600 words (exceptions can be made upon request). Positive stories, which can affect Miami Living readers. Well-organized and thoroughly researched content. We don’t publish stories that are misleading or contain misinformation, nor do we publish defamatory content. Important local content that is relevant to Miami Living readers. Stories on organizations, products, services and individuals that are making a social/environmental impact in South Florida. Please avoid submitting content that is solely promotional. Instead, your content should be informational, educational, entertaining, insightful or meaningful to Miami Living readers and particularly to the South Florida market. When quoting others’ work, include attributions and any necessary credits in the body text. This includes the name of the author, publication, photographer/image credits. We suggest that you also include a link back to the original post. No footnotes, endnotes or reference lists. We require at least 1 image along with your submission. Your image should have medium to high resolution. Low resolution images and poorly taken will most likely result content rejection.
  • What writing tone and style should I use?
    Easy to understand and objective. Use a casual, friendly and clear writing tone. Avoid sensational terminology in your content such as "best, amazing, incredible" etc., unless supported by researched based data. Use stats and studies from reputable researchers and sources.
  • Author Credit Items
    In order to credit you accordingly, please submit during your first posting submission: Name as it should appear in the story A short author bio (50-100 words) Author headshot (JPG or PNG)
  • Headline Guidelines
    The title of your posting should be direct and to the point. It should contain no more than 50 characters (including spaces) and please avoid titles with sensational words like “best,” “amazing,” etc. Instead use words that are descriptive and educational. Please use a “Title Case” format for your headline -- the first character is always capitalized except short words and conjunctions like: a, an, the, in, to, for, at, by, etc. Correct: Company News Release in Miami Incorrect: COMPANY NEWS RELEASE IN MIAMI Incorrect: COMPANY news release in Miami Incorrect: Company NEWS release in Miami Headline example
  • Image Header Guidelines
    What is an Image Header? Image header is the image that appears next to the posting headline. You require only one image header, therefore select an image that best represents your posting. We prefer modern, contemporary images or illustrations to fit within our website style and reader demographics. Avoid images with busy background or oversaturated with design elements and text. Instead choose simple and clean imagery. To view current examples of image headers, go to our home page (below the "Latest News" section). Image Header Size & Format We recommend your image header to be 7” x 7” (or 672 pixels by 672 pixels). Formats accepted are: JPG, GIF and PNG. Maximum image size is 25MB. What to Avoid Avoid images with a border (line around the edges of the image) Avoid uploading a video as an image header (slows down page display speed) If you choose to upload a gif, choose a 6 sec file that has a clean/simple design
  • Text Guidelines (article)
    To ensure that your posting follows our design and formatting guidelines, please do NOT: Do NOT include a date in the beginning of your posting like a press release. The date is automatically added when the posting is published. Do NOT include author’s name in the first paragraph. Instead, include all credits at the end of the story as stated above. Do NOT use colors for your text (only black text is allowed). This is important to keep our website design consistent. Note: Gray text should be used for credits (author, photos, etc). Here is an example of correct text color usage. Do NOT use “CAPS” for large portions of text. Words, sentences and paragraphs in CAPS are hard to read and do not meet our design guidelines. Do NOT insert HTML code(s). It is not required and not allowed. Do NOT center or right justifned your text. All text should be LEFT justified (NOT left-aligned "forced" text please) DO NOT bold too many words. Bold a word to emphasize or highlight an important point, but do use them as little as possible. If everything is emphasized, then nothing stands out. Do NOT italicize long sentences. The use of italics should be used primarily to highlight titles of books, names of works like articles, poems, names of movies, TV shows, etc. Do NOT use more than 1 paragraph return/space between each paragraph. Do NOT make your space between lines of text 1 point or 1.5. Instead, please make it 2 point. In other words, please make your line spacing 2 points as shown below:
  • Credits Guidelines
    Credits of your posting (writer’s name, etc.) should be placed at the end of the story. Credits placed on top of the page create a problem with our website design and layout. It is important that you include all credits at the end of the story (see example below) to avoid posting removal. If no author name is available, please be sure to credit the company or institution that provided the text. You may also credit a company or image used as follows, "Image courtesy of..." Credits Font & Style Credits should be italicized and displayed in gray color as you see here: Credit example
  • Slideshow Guidelines
    You can easily create a slideshow for your posting. A slideshow allows you to showcase multiple images in a simple and organized manner. Slideshows are recommended because they increase user interaction with your content. How Many Images Are Needed to Create a Slideshow? We recommend a minimum of 2 images and a maximum of 8 images to create a slideshow. However, if you are showcasing images of a collection (e.g. fashion show), we recommend using up to 15 images. Can Multiple Slideshows be Added in a Single Posting? Yes, but we suggest that you focus on image quality instead of quantity. If you have too many similar images in your slideshow, then nothing stands out. Slideshow Image Requirements Image size can be any size but no more than 1000 x 1000 pixels (any width and length). Formats accepted are: JPG, GIF and PNG. Maximum image size is 25MB. You may also add the following sentence above your slide show to increase user interactivity, "Click below to launch slideshow >" Slideshow example
  • Links (url's) Guidelines
    When placing a URL (hyperlink) in your story, please select “Link opens in a new tab” option. Simply highlight the desired text and the text editor will appear. Click on the “Link” option as you see below: Select the “Link opens in a new tab” box and save your changes (image below):
  • Helpful Layout Tips!
    Choose an image header that will properly display the message of your posting. Be sure that the image is cropped correctly as well. Here is a before and after example: If you are uploading a slideshow, be sure to make the space between the images small as you see here (choose value 6 or 7): Sometimes it is better to hyperlink a word(s) instead of typing an url. This is especially effective if the URL is long. Here is how to insert an url in a word or selection of text:
  • Categories Guidelines & Description
    Please do NOT choose more than two cateogries for your posting. Postings with more than two categoreis will be removed. Select the category that best fits your content (click on the link below to view examples): Arts & Culture: Arts, books, TV & movies, performing arts, shows, etc. Fashion & Beauty: Fashion shows, accessories, hair, make-up, etc. Food & Drink: Restaurants, chefs, wines and spirits, recipes, etc. Lifestyle: Luxury lifestyle, trends, high-end products, etc. News: Recently introduced, just opened, community updates, etc. People & Celebs: Notable individuals, celebrities, influencers, etc. Real Estate: Latest real estate projects, news, trends, etc. Shopping: Just released, retail, store promotions, etc. Sports: Sports news, features, analysis, interviews, etc. Travel: Luxury travel destinations, hospitality news, etc. Wellness & Fitness: Wellness, fitness, nutrition, health news, etc.
  • SEO Guidelines
    The title and description of your posting inform search engines how to index your content. To help your posting get the best results in Google and other search engines, feel free to edit your posting SEO (Search Engine Optimization) settings (not required). By default, the SEO title is taken from your post title. The page description is taken from the first lines of your post. You can customize both the SEO tag and description by clicking on "Post" settings, click on SEO tab, and update the SEO title and posting description. Save and publish your post.
  • How to Publish & Edit Your Posting
    Publishing Options Choose one of three publishing options: (1) Publish your posting immediately (2) Save it as a draft (3) Schedule it to be published in a future date. How to Edit Your Posting You can edit any element of your posting, including images, by going to the text editor. The text editor allows you to make text formatting changes, adjust text alignment, add bullets, links, etc. To edit your posting, highlight the element you want to edit and select the relevant option (e.g. insert image, bold, etc). Deleting Your Posting We suggest that you do NOT delete any of your published posting, even if the content is no longer relevant. However if you need to delete a particular posting, click the "Edit" posting option and save it as a "draft." This will remove the posting from the live site. Editing Publishing Date You can change the publising date of your posting by clicking on the post settings in the top right corner of the post. Click "Edit" next to the "Post Publish Date" and click on the date. Select a new date from the calendar, click save and publish.
  • Scheduling Your Post
    To schedule your post to be published later, follow these steps: Click the expand icon at the top right (the small white arrow inside the "Publish" blue buttom). Click "Schedule Post" and select the desired publishing date.
  • Content Submission Terms
    By submitting content, you are consenting to these rules: 1. You agree not to submit inappropriate content. Inappropriate content includes any content that: infringes upon or violates the copyrights, trademarks or other intellectual property rights of any person is libelous or defamatory is obscene, pornographic, sexually explicit, or vulgar violates a person’s right to privacy violates any local, state, national, or international law contains or advocates illegal or violent acts degrades others on the basis of gender, race, class, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or other classification is predatory, hateful, or intended to intimidate or harass, or contains derogatory name-calling is a duplicate or repost of something you’ve already posted on the site contains advertising contains a solicitation of any kind misrepresents your identity or affiliation impersonates others is in poor taste or is otherwise objectionable 2. You agree that you are fully responsible for the content that you submit. You will promptly remove any content that you have posted should you discover that it violates these rules or that it is otherwise inappropriate. You will indemnify Miami Living Magazine and its affiliates and their subsidiaries, and its and their directors, officers, managers, employees, shareholders, agents, and licensors, from and against losses, expenses, damages, and costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, resulting from any claim brought by any third party relating to content you have posted. 3. You understand and agree that we are not responsible for any user submitted content. You further understand that we have the right, but not the obligation, to monitor submissions and we may remove content that we deem inappropriate for any reason whatsoever without consent. We further reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to remove a user’s privilege to post content on our site. We may reject or remove any comment at any time, with or without notice to you. 4. You certify that you are at least 13 years of age. If you are under the age of 13, please do not submit any content to us. If you are under the age of 18 but at least 13 years of age, you may submit content only with the permission of, and under the supervision of, a parent or legal guardian. If you are a parent or legal guardian agreeing to these rules for the benefit of an individual between the ages of 13 and 18, please be advised that you are fully responsible for his or her submissions and any legal liability that he or she may incur. 5. You certify that you have the permission of others who have contributed to or are featured in any content that you submit. If there are any individuals under the age of 18 in any photos, video, or other content that you submit, you must obtain the permission of each such individual’s parent or legal guardian prior to submitting the content. 6. You acknowledge and agree any use and/or reliance on any information obtained through the interactive forums is at your own risk. We are not in any manner endorsing the content of the interactive forums and cannot and will not vouch for its reliability. 7. For any content that you submit, you give us permission to use such content. Except as otherwise provided herein, You hereby grant to Miami Living a royalty-free, irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide, exclusive, and fully sublicensable license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, incorporate into other works, distribute, perform, display, and otherwise exploit such content, in whole or in part in any form, media or technology now known or later developed. With respect to any photos submitted, unless credited to the original source/photographer, Miami Living Magazine rights shall be non-exclusive, instead of exclusive. 8. You have read and agree to abide by our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.


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