Miami Beach is Now Open with New Mandatory Rules That You Need to Know

The City of Miami Beach is preparing to safely welcome back residents and visitors to a myriad of locales that had previously closed their doors in our collective effort to contain the spread of COVID-19. Now, as we restart our phased reopening of museums, office space, personal services, retail, restaurants, residential building amenities, gyms and hotels — we welcome you back!
Note: Gyms, hotels and residential amenities remain closed. They are expected to open by the end of the month.
Restaurants within arts and culture establishments must comply with restaurant requirements
Limit the amount of staff and customers to 50% occupancy
All persons working in or visiting an establishment, including but not limited to airports, seaports, and mass transit facilities and vehicles, shall wear a facial covering as described in Emergency Order 20-20, except that facial coverings shall not be required:
for children under the age of two years;
for persons who have trouble breathing;
where Federal or state safety or health regulations prohibit the wearing of facial coverings; or
for persons engaged in strenuous physical activity.
Additional PPE may be required of persons engaged in specific activities as described in the Miami-Dade County Handbook
Limit the number of staff and customers to a maximum of 50 percent of mall/store occupancy
All persons working in or visiting an establishment, including but not limited to airports, seaports, and mass transit facilities and vehicles, shall wear a facial covering as described in Emergency Order 20-20, except that facial coverings shall not be required:
for children under the age of two years;
for persons who have trouble breathing;
where Federal or state safety or health regulations prohibit the wearing of facial coverings; or
for persons engaged in strenuous physical activity.
Additional PPE may be required of persons engaged in specific activities as described in the Miami-Dade County Handbook
All persons working in or visiting an establishment, including but not limited to airports, seaports, and mass transit facilities and vehicles, shall wear a facial covering as described in Emergency Order 20-20, except that facial coverings shall not be required:
for children under the age of two years;
for persons who have trouble breathing;
where Federal or state safety or health regulations prohibit the wearing of facial coverings; or
for persons engaged in strenuous physical activity.
Additional PPE may be required of persons engaged in specific activities as described in the Miami-Dade County Handbook
Restaurants that comply with all of these guidelines may also provide additional outdoor seating in compliance with Miami Beach
Limit staff and customers to a maximum of 50% of capacity with the maintenance of social distancing of 6 feet between parties*. Any outdoor seating must maintain similar distancing, but in no event may the combined indoor and outdoor operation exceed 100% of its legally permitted building occupancy content to the entry of County and City personnel onto the establishment’s property for the sole purpose of inspection for compliance with County Order 23-20 and Miami Beach Phase 1 Reopening Order and Emergency Measures effective May 17, 2020.
All persons working in or visiting an establishment, including but not limited to airports, seaports, and mass transit facilities and vehicles, shall wear a facial covering as described in Emergency Order 20-20, except that facial coverings shall not be required:
for children under the age of two years;
for persons who have trouble breathing;
where Federal or state safety or health regulations prohibit the wearing of facial coverings; or
for persons engaged in strenuous physical activity. Additional PPE may be required of persons engaged in specific activities as described in the Miami-Dade County Handbook (Handbook).
Capacity limited to 10 individuals (employees and customers) or 25% of building occupancy as required by law, whichever is smaller at any one time. Within the shop, a minimum of six feet (6’) distance between customers, except for families residing at that same dwelling
All persons working in or visiting an establishment, including but not limited to airports, seaports, and mass transit facilities and vehicles, shall wear a facial covering as described in Emergency Order 20-20, except that facial coverings shall not be required:
for children under the age of two years;
for persons who have trouble breathing;
where Federal or state safety or health regulations prohibit the wearing of facial coverings; or
for persons engaged in strenuous physical activity.
Additional PPE may be required of persons engaged in specific activities as described in the Miami-Dade County Handbook
Any establishment that has an on-site employee or contractor who tests positive shall close for the shorter of:
the time needed for all staff to be tested and the establishment to be deep-sanitized, as specified in the Handbook; or
14 days from the date such employee or contractor was last onsite at such establishment
Where an establishment has multiple floors or structures, only those structures or floors where the infected person was present are required to be deep-sanitized as a condition of re-opening, and only those employees working in such structures or on such floors must be tested.
Placement of trash containers for face coverings and other personal protective equipment (PPE) near exits and entrances and other common areas
Comprehensive cleaning of facilities must be performed each night and include thoroughly disinfecting all frequent touchpoints (doors, stairwell handles, light switch, elevator switch, ) and emptying all trash receptacles using solid waste bags that are double-bagged and securely sealed
Use reasonable efforts to ensure that on-site customers, employees, contractors and vendors maintain appropriate social distancing, as recommended by the then-current CDC guidelines, which may include, but are not limited to, marking floors at appropriate intervals or providing other visible systems to identify the appropriate social distance
Visually mark separation 6 ft. apart for areas where people would group (e.g., queues and elevators)
Procure increased amounts of soap, hand sanitizer, cleaning materials and protective equipment (face coverings, gloves)
Clean and disinfect bathrooms every two to three hours
Eliminate the use of common water fountains and interactive displays
Train all personnel in new operating protocols and modifications to existing codes of conduct to deal with COVID 19 issues
Install hand sanitizing dispensers or make sanitizer available at entrances and in common areas
Space out customer queues at cashiers with floor markers (every 6 ft)
Place signs outside and inside the elevators to limit capacity to 4 passengers, with visual markers for passengers to stand on
Dressing rooms must be closed. Merchandise, particularly clothing, must not be handled or tried on by customers and returned to shelves or display racks before being properly cleaned
Cart and basket handles must be sanitized between uses
Eliminate car valet services
Enable single point of entrance
Mark with arrows entry and exit points, creating one-way circulation paths inside stores
Only the customers receiving the service may enter the shop (except for a parent or guardian accompanying a minor)
All services require an appointment; appointments must be recorded for tracking purposes and for the notification of others that may have been present in the shop, if a positive COVID-19 case is reported
Customers must wait outside of the business (practicing social distancing) or in their cars until they are called for their appointment
A paging system may be utilized similar to what restaurants use, so that customers do not congregate outside of or around the shop
Walk-ins are prohibited
Employees to wear face coverings and gloves at all times, the use of face shields is strongly encouraged
Employees must not share tools
Hairdressers must wear single-use aprons
By Miami Living Staff