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This Father’s Day Let Him Discover the Finest Flavors & Rich Aromas of L’OR, a Masterpiece in Taste

Created in France in 1992, L’OR’s ambition has always been to offer the best coffee in the world. Since then, L’OR has seduced senses of the consumers by providing them with intense taste experiences for fantastic coffee moments. In 2010, L’OR Espresso launched- the first espresso capsule compatible with Nespresso®* Original coffee machines.

Types of Espresso Drinks Explained


Coming from the Italian for “restrained, tight”, a Ristretto is a very short espresso. It is especially appreciated for its body and its aromatic richness.


Also known by the name, tight coffee, it is appreciated for its generous smoothness and is made via high-pressure percolation (in Italian, espresso means “extracted by pressure”). Espressos are available in many blends, each one offering a specific intensity. L’OR Espresso preserves the essence of each blend in an aluminum capsule specifically packaged to release all of the espresso aromas in the cup.


Also known as a long coffee, it is made with twice as much water running through the same amount of coffee as for an espresso. L’OR Espresso Lungos are specifically designed to produce a large cup (110ml) of a long and intense espresso with a perfect consistency.

Espresso Experiences


One of the most popular milky coffee drinks. Originated in Italy, the cappuccino has an espresso at its base and is topped with hot milk and a dense layer of micro-foam.


A macchiato is basically an espresso with a dollop of steamed milk and foam on top of it. The milk slightly calms the harshness of the espresso and therefore makes a perfect drink for those who enjoy an espresso, but with a little less kick.

Latte Macchiato

Probably one of the most photogenic drinks. With its typical three layers, the latte macchiato is often served in a long glass so those layers can be shown. It contains mostly steamed milk, marked with espresso and a little foam layer on top.

Flat White

Originated in Australia, the flat white needs a little more explanation, as there appear to be several views on how a flat white should be made. You will find that different countries and cafés have different takes on serving the flat white. One way to serve it, is a shot of espresso with steamed milk, so no foam at all. Another, more common but also more advanced way to serve the flat white, is by swirling a milk- and micro-foam mixture into a shot of espresso, aiming not to let the foam separate from the milk.

Today, the unequalled quality of L’OR espresso continues to seduce connoisseurs all over the world. It’s the uniqueness and beauty in our world that inspires our coffee artists to create our delicious L’OR espresso blends. From preparation to tasting, discover a unique espresso moment with L’OR. Each cup of L'OR espresso is an opportunity to live in the moment- to follow your senses and indulge in pure bliss. Experience the alluring aroma of the freshest Arabica and Robusta beans, hand selected by L'OR roasters. Discover the L’OR gold standard today.

Explore L'OR Espresso Capsules featuring 8 signature flavors: Papua New Guinea, Colombia, Onyx, Or Absolu, Profondo Lungo, Estremo Lungo, Ristretto and Ristretto Decaffeinato. To purchase, visit or

*Trademark used is of a third party, not related to JACOBS DOUWE EGBERTS. By ML Staff. Images courtesy of L'OR


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