Friends of Jack & Jill Center Celebrated its 16th Annual Flip Flops on the Docks

On the evening of Saturday, May 8, Friends of Jack & Jill Center hosted its fun-filled casual soirée, the 16th Annual MEDNAX Flip Flops on the Docks presented by MOSS. More than 400 guests attended, raising $367,000 for children and families in need.
Held at the newly renovated Lauderdale Yacht Club, the Friends of Jack & Jill Center’s renowned signature event featured relaxed tropical beach décor, delicious drinks, fabulous Hawaiian food, and live music on the docks of the club. Guests enjoyed a Polynesian dance performance inspired by the islands of Hawaii including a traditional Samoan fire dance. Guests had the opportunity to bid on luxurious items in live and virtual silent auctions, while enjoying the panoramic backdrop of Fort Lauderdale overlooking the Intracoastal Waterway.

All event proceeds will provide scholarships to low-income, working families in the community. These scholarships provide children and their families with high-quality early childhood education and family intervention and support. Through its programs, Jack & Jill Center aims to break the barriers of social and educational inequity by providing quality education to all children, regardless of income, so that they may reach their greatest potential.
“Attendees left their heels and ties at home to enjoy a wonderful evening at the MEDNAX Flips Flops on the Docks presented by MOSS,” said Heather Siskind, CEO of Jack & Jill Center. “This popular casual soirée was a great success, and we are very happy to have raised $367,000 for children and families in need. Our deepest gratitude goes to the event’s sponsors for helping us make it happen.”

Liz Perlman, Anna Carpenter and Sally Beach served as the event chairs. MEDNAX served as the event’s Title Sponsor, and MOSS was the Presenting Sponsor. Amerijet was the VIP Sponsor, and the Premier Sponsor was Herman Construction. Lauderdale Yacht Club member sponsors were Anna and Mark Carpenter.

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