“Florida Marijuana Licensing: What’s Next?” Virtual Webinar on July 6
In an effort to connect with the cannabis community and provide the necessary resources, Mr. Cannabis Law, Medical Marijuana Business Association of Florida (MMBAF), Minorities for Medical Marijuana (M4MM), and Cannacore Group are collaborating to host the virtual panel discussion, “Florida Marijuana Licensing: What’s Next?” on Tuesday, July 6 at 4 p.m.
Are you interested in entering the Florida cannabis industry? During this informative one-hour webinar, cannabis industry advocates will come together to discuss what to expect for the next round of Florida marijuana business applications. Florida will see a second application process open up in the near future. The licenses available will be vertically integrated, meaning the business that operates the license is required to cultivate, manufacture and sell medical marijuana to qualified patients.
Moderated by Paula Savchenko, founder of Cannacore Group and PS Law Group, panelists include Dustin Robinson, founding partner of Mr. Cannabis Law, co-founder of Mr. Psychedelic Law, and managing principal at Iter Investments; Erik Range, board chair of MM4M, founder of Hemp & Fork, cannabis consultant, advocate, and industry influencer; and Dr. Jeffrey Sharkey, founder of MMBAF and managing partner of Capitol Alliance Group.
Free to participate. To RSVP, visit: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_IgV6yPxtTrK_cXEeuGNLxg