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Choralcopia: Frost Bella Voce, Symphonic Choir, Frost Extensions, Opera Theater, & Biscaydence

A collage of vocal ensemble music! Join them for an evening featuring classical, opera, jazz, and a cappella.

Frost bella voce, symphonic choir, frost extensions, opera theater, & biscaydence.

Matthew Brady, Kate Reid, Alan Johnson, Jeffrey Buchman, and Raina Murnak, conductors and directors; Anita Castiglione, piano.

Friday, October 4, 2024. 7:30 P.M.

Location: UM Gusman Concert Hall

Ticket prices: $20, $16 and $10. Purchase tickets here.


Set a reminder for the event here.

Read the program here.

By ML Staff. Courtesy of Frost School of Music

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