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Amy Leaf's New Book: Harry & The Pelican

Inspired by walks with her grandpa, Amy Leaf felt passionate about sharing her love of walking and appreciation of nature. In her own words, “walking clears the mind, provides energy, helps to generate ideas, and allows one to see nature in new ways on every walk.” This beach quest will grab the attention of kids longing to find adventure and will remind parents and grandparents of the joy that comes with watching children discover new places for the first time.

Harry and the Pelican book cover
Harry and the Pelican book cover

Leaf invites you to take a walk on the beach with Harry and his Grandpa. While Harry challenges himself to walk all the way to a distant lighthouse, he meets a

new friend, spots a special bird, and proves to himself that he can complete the

trip. Early readers will love following along with Harry and his new friends, looking for treasures on the seashore and discovering a seabird in the process. Fun facts about pelicans are included so that readers can learn more about these large water birds and their connection to nature. With a coloring book edition available to make this tale even more interactive, it is sure to be a hit with kids and parents alike. Join in on this coastal adventure and rediscover a love of nature through a child’s eye.

More about Amy Leaf

Amy’s books focus on nature. The goal is to share the fun of a walk outdoors and to share the fun of learning. Amy is now a “Woman in Technology,” but previously had a business that helped moms, in particular, to find professional jobs, with flexible working hours. She is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators.

Amy Leaf
Amy Leaf, writer of "Harry & The Pelican"

An interview with Amy Leaf: some fragments

What do you want a reader to remember about your book?

"I want the reader to remember a wonderful walk with Grandpa and to think about a happy time shared with a family member or friend. Additionally, I hope the reader will remember the fun of making it to the lighthouse and the adventures that sprung up along the way."

Your passion for nature and keeping our Earth safe is evident in the book. Why is this so important and how can we educate our kids on this subject?

"We need to take good care of our planet so that we have beautiful places to walk, so we have trees to shelter us from sun, so we can grow healthy food, and have clean water and air. We can educate our kids on this subject through reading nature books, talking about the importance of treasuring our planet, and taking care of it. Imagine how different this book would be if Harry was walking through a beach filled with garbage."

What are your plans for future books? Are you planning any more adventures

with Harry?

"Yes, I am planning more adventures for Harry. The next book is written but not yet illustrated. This book also centers around Harry and Grandpa. Harry and Grandpa like to explore on their walks – and so does a puppy, named Fox!"

By ML Staff. Images courtesy of Books Forward


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